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The Harvest of Perseverance (11/18/2018)

13:24– Selections from our Sunday Morning Worship Service at The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair by Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael.

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“The Harvest of Perseverance”
by Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael

Please note: All sermons are copyrighted by the author.

About The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair is welcoming of all seekers after truth, beauty, justice and compassion cherishing their diversity of race, gender, sexual identity and orientation, religious background and perspective on life. We are a liberal religious community seeking transformation in our hearts, our homes, our community and our world. We come together to * Create a spiritual community that nurtures and inspires us as we search for meaning in our lives. * Reach out and welcome all who wish to be part of our community because diversity of race, culture, sexual orientation, and economic background enriches us all. * Guide and challenge our children in their lifelong journey of discovery and spiritual growth. * Explore religious and cultural traditions so that we may honor our differences and our common ground. * Take responsibility for helping to solve the problems of our community. * Promote social and economic justice, furthering our work to dismantle racism, homophobia, and all forms of oppression. * Celebrate artistic creation as a spiritual element of life. * Respect the beauty and mystery of nature by actively preserving our environment. * Invest our personal resources to build and sustain this community of aspiration. * Act together to keep this covenant alive. We are Unitarian Universalists, building upon our heritage as advocates for the rights and dignity of all. Our spiritual leaders are Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael and Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, Co-Senior Ministers.

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